Unleashing Your Mind’s Superpower: The Art of Metacognition

Have you ever wondered what contributes to the success of individuals? While intelligence and talent play a role, there’s something more that sets them apart. It’s the individuals’ ability to harness the power of metacognition, which enhances their learning, problem-solving, and soft skills. At Morphoses, we firmly believe in the transformative potential of metacognition for children and young adolescents. In this blog post, we will delve into the concept of metacognition, its close relationship with soft skills, and how it can be applied in everyday life. So, let’s embark on this fascinating journey of self-awareness and growth!
What is metacognition?
Metacognition refers to our ability to monitor, control, and reflect upon our cognitive processes. It involves being aware of our own thoughts, feelings, and actions, and understanding how they influence our learning and problem-solving. By cultivating metacognitive skills, children develop a deeper understanding of themselves and their abilities, which in turn enhances their soft skills (Cambridge International Education Teaching and Learning Team, n.d.).
Imagine a child engaged in a teamwork activity. With metacognition, they can reflect on their own communication style, recognize the impact of their words, and adapt their approach to better collaborate with others. Similarly, metacognition plays a vital role in decision-making, as children who can evaluate their options, consider the consequences, and reflect on their reasoning are more likely to make thoughtful and responsible choices.

Metacognition is not confined to the classroom; it permeates our daily lives. As parents, you can identify metacognitive moments in your child’s behavior. For example, when your child realizes they need additional practice in a particular subject and actively seeks out resources to improve, they are demonstrating metacognition. This shows their initiative, self-management, and the ability to identify areas for growth.
Furthermore, when your child takes a moment to reflect on a challenging situation, considers alternative perspectives, and adjusts their behavior accordingly, they are applying metacognitive skills. By nurturing these metacognitive moments, parents can empower their children to become lifelong learners and excel in various soft skills.
What are the benefits of metacognition?
The benefits of metacognition are numerous and significant. By developing metacognitive abilities, students can take more control over their own learning, enabling them to make more informed decisions about the strategies and techniques they use to learn. Additionally, research has shown that metacognition has a positive impact on learning outcomes, making it an effective approach for students of all ages and across a wide range of subjects. Another advantage of metacognition is that it is a low-cost method of improving learning outcomes, as it requires only basic training and can be implemented easily in any classroom setting (Cambridge International Education Teaching and Learning Team, n.d.).
What is not metacognition?
It is important to note that metacognition is not merely a matter of “thinking about thinking.” While metacognition does encompass reflecting on one’s own thinking, it involves a greater degree of complexity. A significant aspect of metacognition entails actively supervising one’s own learning, and adjusting one’s learning approaches and behaviors accordingly based on this monitoring (Cambridge International Education Teaching and Learning Team, n.d.).
At the same time, while a metacognitive approach emphasizes enabling learners to manage their own learning, the tutor plays a crucial role in cultivating their metacognitive skills. This includes establishing unambiguous learning goals, exhibiting and supervising metacognitive techniques, and stimulating and supporting learners through prompts and positive reinforcement (Cambridge International Education Teaching and Learning Team, n.d.).
Meta — Morphoses
Morphoses, with its innovative approach to learning, can significantly enhance metacognitive skills in children K12. Through its fun and engaging activities that incorporate a “learning by doing” methodology, children can develop their ability to think critically and reflect on their own learning processes. By engaging in real-life mysteries and problem-solving challenges, learners can develop their metacognitive skills by learning to plan, monitor, and evaluate their progress toward solving the challenge. Additionally, children have the opportunity to work collaboratively, develop their communication and teamwork skills, which are essential components of metacognitive development.

With Morphoses, children unlock their inner learning superpowers! They become unstoppable learners, mastering the art of understanding how they learn best and transforming their learning experiences into epic adventures!
Getting started with metacognition (no date) Welcome. Available at: https://cambridge-community.org.uk/professional-development/gswmeta/index.html#group-Misconceptions-nsvx1VHKFO (Accessed: 22 June 2023).