Soft skills
December 6, 2024

Collaboration over competition: Building teamwork in teenagers

In today's busy world, where people often concentrate on personal success, the art of collaboration emerges as a cornerstone for success and personal growth. At Morphoses, we believe in the transformative power of teamwork, especially among teenagers, to prepare them for the challenges and opportunities of the future. This post explores the critical role of collaboration over competition in nurturing soft skills in young individuals, underlining its significance in everyday life and educational settings.

The essence of collaboration in soft skills development

Teamwork is more than just working together; it's about building a shared understanding, respecting diverse viewpoints, and aiming towards a common goal. It's a complex mixture of several soft skills including communication, empathy, leadership, and emotional intelligence. These skills are essential for teenagers to navigate through life’s many challenges.

Parents can spot their children's social skills during group activities in several ways:

  1. Group Projects: Noticing when a child ensures that everyone in a group project is heard, showing they value diverse opinions.
  2. Sports Practice: Seeing a child willingly share equipment and take turns, demonstrating their understanding of teamwork.
  3. Board Games: Watching a child mediate disagreements over game rules fairly, highlighting their conflict resolution skills.
  4. Study Sessions: Observing a child encourage quieter peers to share their ideas, proving they appreciate everyone's contribution.
  5. Community Service: Spotting a child effectively coordinating a team during a clean-up project, showcasing their leadership and acknowledgment of everyone's efforts.

In daily life, collaboration shows up in many practical situations:

  1. Group Project at School: Learners divide tasks for a research presentation, each taking on a part of the work, such as researching, writing, and presenting.
  2. Family Task: A family organizes a weekend garage clean-out, where each member is responsible for sorting through different sections, deciding what to keep, donate, or throw away.
  3. Sports Team Activity: During a basketball practice, teammates practice passing drills, where each player must communicate and work together to make successful plays, demonstrating teamwork and coordination.

Each scenario provides a unique learning experience for teenagers, teaching them the importance of working together, sharing successes, and learning from failures. This not only prepares them for the professional world but also enriches their personal lives, fostering a sense of community and belonging.

Want to know more about soft skills and teenagers? Check this out.

Scientific underpinnings: The impact of teamwork

Research in educational psychology, particularly David Kolb’s experiential learning cycle (2017), supports the effectiveness of collaborative learning environments. Kolb emphasizes the importance of concrete experiences followed by reflective observation, abstract conceptualization, and active experimentation. Collaborative settings provide a fertile ground for this cycle, enhancing learning outcomes, improving problem-solving abilities, and increasing engagement among learners. Learners working in collaborative groups exhibit higher academic achievement, better interpersonal skills, and increased self-confidence compared to those in competitive environments.

Join the collaborative journey at Morphoses

At Morphoses, we’re dedicated to empowering the next generation with essential soft skills through our innovative, experiential learning platform. Our curriculum is designed to foster collaboration, critical thinking, and creativity among learners aged 6 to 17. By participating in our gamified activities and role plays, learners embark on a journey of self-discovery and skill development in a supportive, interactive environment.

We invite you to experience the Morphoses difference. Encourage your teenager to join our community where collaboration triumphs over competition, where every learner is a valuable team player, and where personal growth knows no bounds. Together, let’s equip our young learners with the skills they need to thrive in an interconnected world.

Embrace the power of teamwork. Discover how Morphoses can transform your child’s learning experience today.


McLeod, S. (2017). Kolb - Learning Styles. Simply Psychology. Retrieved from
