Soft skills
April 28, 2024


Welcome aboard, fellow reader! Before anything, we would like to introduce ourselves. So, get comfortable, and let us share our biggest, deepest secrets. Just kidding, we are about to share why and most importantly how we will simply change the world!

We are the Morphoses Team, a greek startup offering live, online classes aimed at enhancing young learners’ soft skills. Our aim is to offer an educational environment that will help the learners to shape themselves at all levels and enhance, to the maximum, human skills they already possess.

We can only imagine how many questions you must have. Why soft skills? What makes Morphoses unique? Therefore, on a Friday afternoon, we gathered the team and performed a “guys, who are we?” brainstorming game, as we wanted to represent every Morphoses’ member voice. Don’t forget; democratisation starts from within.

So, in one sentence, we agreed on this; Morphoses is a promise to educate the next generation of global citizens, aiming for a democratised world with happy and creative people — instead of just productive ones.

Why soft skills?

Soft skills are the human skills we can all develop and are necessary to everyone. Cultivating human skills, especially in childhood or adolescence, when our viewpoint is still shaping, can be a real game-changer.

Did you know that we, as humans, actually possess by nature soft skills like curiosity, inquisitiveness, creativity, adaptability, and resilience, as well as conferring the ability to face, overcome, and learn from failure, adapting emotional intelligence and empathy? But somewhere along the journey, we slowly let soft skills fade away and we purely focus on hard skills. Why is that? We will let that one think it yourself…

Tough eras need tough visioners.

The COVID-19 pandemic hit the planet, well, hard. Schools had to close for months, while digital learning rose dramatically. Don’t get us started with all the videos that went viral, picturing employers or learners in front of a computer, while- out of nowhere- a pet, unbothered, would parade in front of the screen.

We witnessed the radical shift from the “if” of technology to the “how” of technology. If we add to the equation the worldwide evolution of ed-tech- initiated by the booming of MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses) and on-demand e-learning- then we can all agree that Morphoses is indeed building a path leading to the future. Still in doubt? Continue reading just a little more.

What’s a team without a clear vision?

Our vision was born out of two things: desire and certainty.

The desire to redefine the core of education in a way that will no longer lead to the loss of this amazing, early childhood self, which knew how to be fascinated by the journey and the unexpected twists that appear in each turn.

And the certainty that yes, this core is the best choice we can make in order to develop and maintain an educational process that will be exciting, desirable- but also capable of preparing one to live in a world constantly changing, spreading, redefining, and acquiring more and more dimensions.

We are not just a team. We are a community that welcomes you along!

We saved the best for last. What makes Morphoses entirely unique is its community of educators, who are passionate about our vision and create their own soft skill classes for young learners.

One of our core values is supportiveness (another soft skill!), so we prepare our passionate educators for everything they may face, providing constant personal support by our super team of experts- and above all, a shared vision. All instructors are connected via the community, exchanging experiences, knowledge, ideas, and supporting each other’s journey. The more experienced educators are mentoring the younger, while the younger bring to the table new tools and fresh ideas, and so on.

Maria, one of our first instructors who joined the Morphoses community stated: “Being part of the community, made me understand for the first time in my life what belonging and support mean. I also made true and lasting friendships. I am glad I am here.

So what do we propose?

A way of life, not a fragmentary action that serves a temporary goal. Based on the above values, we proudly aim to and — believe we will — create distinct, self-aware, human personalities, possessed by a sense of curiosity and the constant need for self-improvement.

We know you are craving more. Feel free to contact us at any time!
