April 28, 2024

Let’s make February your favourite month

Give your child an invitation to a land of happiness and originality. Offer them the chance to enhance self-awareness, increase confidence levels and find their own voice.

Did you know that “February” comes from the Latin word februa, which means “to cleanse.”? The month was named after the Roman Februalia, which was a month-long festival of purification and atonement that took place this time of year. In Morphoses, we deeply believe in the power of reform, in one’s ability to create- again and again- new opportunities, to learn from past mistakes, and begin fresh. It’s all part of our vision and of the cause our team is fighting for; creating accessible, interactive, inclusive educational experiences leading kids to embrace diversity and grow within teams.

We’ve been longing for quite some time now to share with you the experience we strive to offer to young learners; and it is now our privilege and honour to announce that February is the month when we get to cordially invite you all in!

Our online headquarters, aka the Morphoses Platform, is impatiently waiting for the students to arrive. Our brilliant, experienced tutors, all certified in soft skill education, are more than excited to share the interactive, content-rich classes we have created with their teams of learners. Each age group (6–8, 9–11, 12–15, and 15–17 years old) will immerse in a different adventure, specifically designed for their needs and interests, focusing on different soft skills according to their age.

If you want to have a sneak peek of what the place we are inviting you to looks like, we got you covered! Just check this video presenting you the looks and feels of what your journey with us will be like!

Back to our February campaign; February is the only month to have a length of fewer than 30 days. Yet you need even less time for your child to enter a whole different learning universe; it’ll only take 3 minutes for you to sign up on the Morphoses platform, and 60 minutes for your learner to successfully complete their first experience exploring the magic world of fun learning.

January and February were the last two months to be added to the Roman calendar. Soft skills were the last ingredients that formal education noticed as significant - yet, what the recent interest and research seem to point out is that cultivating human skills, especially in childhood or adolescence- when our viewpoint is still shaping- can be a real game-changer.

This is the void that the Morphoses team works to fill- this is why we picked this moment, here and now, to transform our faith in democratising education, our oath to make learning a fun, life-changing, inclusive experience into action. All February long, we provide FREE classes to families for their children to enrich their highest potential in human skills and explore the magic world where one can enhance creativity, resilience, curiosity, and other essential human skills.

Getting started: steps to register and enroll

Here’s what you need to do to get your child a space in the Morphoses platform;

  1. Sign up to the Morphoses platform and register your learner(s).
  2. From the side menu, click on the ‘Curricula’ option.
  3. Browse and choose the curriculum that you want to enroll in by clicking ‘Join now’.
  4. On the curriculum page, you can read a description presenting all the details about the tutor and selected curriculum.
  5. Select the class that suits you best in terms of scheduling from a list of classes.
  6. Click ‘Enroll’ on the selected class.
  7. Select the learner(s) that you want to enroll in.

After registering for the class of your choice, all you need to do is (a) make sure you have downloaded the latest version of zoom and (b) await for your Morphoses mail that will be arriving one hour before your class starts. Worry not- we will be providing all the details and assist your first meeting step-by-step!

Joining your first class requires to:

  1. Sign in
  2. On your dashboard, select the class that you have enrolled to join.
  3. Navigate to the class page.
  4. On your class page, select the ‘In progress’ or the ‘Next session’ from the sessions list.
  5. On the session page, click on the ‘Join now’ button to join the Zoom meeting.

You can review all the above steps in the Morphoses wiki space.

Is that all? Nope. After your child’s first taste of a Morphoses learning experience is over, you will be sent a report, depicting the analytics of the team’s performance and feedback.

We cannot wait to welcome you all aboard!
