Morphoses x Giochi Preziosi
April 28, 2024

Enhancing Initiative in Children through Play-Based Learning

How a volcano is able to wake our children’s initiative

Initiative is an essential trait for young children to develop as it helps them become more independent and self-motivated. When children have initiative, they are more likely to take on new tasks and challenges, which can help them learn and grow. Initiative can also help children become more confident and capable, as they are able to take on more responsibilities and make their own decisions. It can also help children develop critical soft skills, such as problem-solving and teamwork, as they work with others to accomplish goals. Fostering initiative in young children can lead to a range of positive outcomes, both in the present and the future.

Photo by Xavier Mouton Photographie on Unsplash

But how do we enhance initiative in children? Through play, of course! Play-based learning has become a widely recognized method for increasing children’s involvement, inclusivity, and the cultivation of comprehensive abilities beyond the early childhood education years. Did you know that a volcano toy is able to…wake our children’s initiative and critical thinking?

Volcano escape is an interactive board game for all family members. The players need to catch as many diamonds as possible before the volcano erupts! It is not going to be an easy task, as other diamond — hunters will try to catch the diamonds first!

As you might have guessed, it is the initiative that will be the key to winning the game, as the diamonds are well hidden. Also, when playing in teams, the players must collaborate with their team members, and communicate effectively, so as to collect as many diamonds as possible and win the game, before the volcano erupts!

Photo by Ása Steinarsdóttir on Unsplash

Research has shown that learning through play can increase verbal and nonverbal initiatives followed by a variety of responses scaffolding the children’s interaction and participation. Moreover, play helps children develop physical skills, such as coordination and balance, as well as cognitive skills, such as problem-solving and decision-making. Play also allows children to explore their creativity and imagination, and to express themselves in a way that is natural and enjoyable to them. In addition, play is a great way for children to socialize and develop their communication and social skills. It can also help children cope with stress and difficult emotions, providing a safe and supportive environment for self-expression.

To sum up, play is an important aspect of a child’s upbringing and should be encouraged as a vital part of their daily routine, especially when the game involves a volcano… ready to erupt!

Photo by La-Rel Easter on Unsplash
