Morphoses x Giochi Preziosi
April 28, 2024

Building Worlds with Sand and Water

How playing with sand and water can develop creativity and communicationThroughout history, sand play has mesmerized children around the globe with its enchanting allure. It's a timeless pastime that brings joy and promotes physical and cognitive activity, as the World Health Organization (2019) recommends. As parents, we know how crucial it is to create a safe and enjoyable environment that supports our little ones' development. And what better way to achieve this than through the magic of sand play?

In this article, we will explore how the Feber activity table, which provides the possibility of playing with water and sand, is linked to the enhancement of important soft skills such as creativity and effective communication. Are you ready?Sandpits are everywhere, transcending geographical and cultural boundaries, existing in our backyards and playgrounds. These spaces provide children with a playground that has rules but no specific goals, allowing them to set their own objectives. Within this environment, sand spaces foster creativity by offering a blank canvas for manipulation and exploration, where children can shape and mold the sand to create imaginative worlds, encouraging them to think innovatively and generate new ideas (Livonen, Kettukangas, Soini & Viholainen, 2021). Simultaneously, sand play promotes communication and cooperation as children collaborate to construct structures, negotiate roles, and share ideas, developing effective verbal and non-verbal communication skills. Moreover, sand play contributes to cognitive and social benefits, nurturing problem-solving abilities and encouraging children to express themselves, listen to others, and collaborate harmoniously. As children grow, their imaginative sand play deepens, enabling a greater understanding of cause and effect relationships, fostering critical thinking and analytical skills. Ultimately, sand spaces serve as dynamic arenas that nurture creativity, communication, and holistic development in children.But why stop at just sand? By introducing a diverse range of toys and tools into the sandbox, like the watermill and castle moulds, provided on the Feber activity table, we can take this valuable learning experience to new heights for children (Frankish, 2004). These additions not only enrich their creativity but also encourage cooperative play, allowing them to explore their surroundings more deeply. So, let's embrace the wonders of sand play and witness our little ones flourish as they embark on thrilling adventures in their sandy kingdoms.

Photo by frank mckenna on Unsplash

 Jimmy and Maria, two energetic children, are on an exciting escapade in the sandbox, where their creativity and communication skills are unleashed. With eager anticipation, they set off on an adventure, constructing a magnificent sandcastle. With their vivid imaginations, the sandbox transforms into a world bursting with limitless possibilities. Engaging in cooperative play, they not only enhance their communication and teamwork but also create unforgettable memories in the magical realm of sand play.With the water playground at their fingertips, they joyfully explore a multitude of possibilities, pouring and splashing with vibrant cups, evoking imaginative scenarios that unfold with each droplet. Meanwhile, on the sandy terrain, they unite their imaginative forces, constructing majestic castles using molds and adorning them with delicate seashells, effortlessly exchanging ideas and collaborating on their shared masterpiece. Little do they know that their innocent play nurtures the foundations of creative thinking and effective communication, allowing these essential skills to naturally flourish as they revel in the enchanting realm of their favorite table.Jimmy: Hey, Maria! The Feber Activity Table is like a water playground and a sand playground combined! We're going to have so much fun!Maria: Absolutely, Jimmy! Let's fill the water side with lots of colorful cups and make a big splash!Jimmy: And on the sand side, we can use the molds to build a majestic castle and decorate it with beautiful seashells!Maria: Oh, Jimmy, this table is amazing! It allows us to explore and create, giving us the chance to have two incredible adventures at the same time!Jimmy: You're absolutely right, Maria! We're becoming great builders. Let's keep playing and making extraordinary things together!So, dear parents, let's embrace the magic of sand play and provide our children with an experience that not only entertains but also enhances their development. Let their imaginations run wild, let them explore and create, and watch as they embark on thrilling adventures in the mesmerizing world of sand play. Join them on this exciting journey and witness the incredible growth. ReferencesLivonen, S., Kettukangas, T., Soini, A., & Viholainen, H. (2021). Sand Play for 0-8-Year-Old Children's Health and Development: A Systematic Review Protocol. International journal of environmental research and public health, 18(19), 10112. Health Organization. (‎2019)‎. Guidelines on physical activity, sedentary behaviour and sleep for children under 5 years of age. World Health Organization., L. (2004). The value of sand play. Practical Pre-School, 2004(44), 1-2. Doi: 10.12968/prps.2004.1.44.40110
