Soft skills
April 28, 2024

From New York to Crete, from Athens to Denver- and back.


Why Soft Skill Training includes SEL… and more!

Ready for a quiz? 3…2…1.. GO!

Can you think of something that a child who lives in New York, and a child who lives in Athens, have in common?

Were you able to make a guess already? It’s rather simple- as all things fundamental; both children experience constant changes and challenges due to social, emotional and cognitive development. When you look at it this way, it’s not all about a child’s home location. It’s about the opportunities, and learning experiences he/ she can be exposed to. And it’s all about having access to a well-trained educator, able to offer children support and provide proper guidance during their journey in the amazing world of learning.

Now, can you think of something such an educator based in London has in common with such an educator in Berlin?

Wow, did you guess another one correctly? You are on fire today! Yes, it is passion. Passion to assist the young learners in their journey of soft skills enhancement and self-discovery. In one sentence? Passion to provide the children with the proper tools to develop, reaching their highest potential. This is where Morphoses enters the game. Morphoses is a promise to educate the next generation of global citizens, aiming for a democratised world of happy and creative people — instead of just productive ones (check Morpholosophy for more!).

SEL and Morphoses. Is there a common ground?

Social and emotional learning (SEL) is an integral part of education and human development. SEL is the process through which all young people and adults acquire and apply the knowledge, skills, and attitudes to develop healthy identities, manage emotions and achieve personal and collective goals, feel and show empathy for others, establish and maintain supportive relationships, and make responsible and caring decisions.

The evidence-based data of SEL’s success is undeniable. The effectiveness of the SEL approach does not limit to cultural contexts. This supports the idea that social and emotional assets promoted in SEL can support the positive development of students from diverse family backgrounds and geographic contexts (Taylor et al., 2017).

SEL interventions show the largest effect size when the intervention is designed with a specific context or culture in mind. This supports the idea that SEL is not a ‘one-size-fits-all’ intervention (Wiglesworth et al., 2016).

In the meantime, Morphoses is a platform designed to offer live online classes of soft skills development for kids, skills that are necessary for healthy communities that thrive. With the power of the internet, we proudly connect children and educators from all over the world with one purpose in mind; to enhance soft skills through fun and engaging activities, and understand how different cultures experience soft skills. What is Emotional Intelligence to a child on a small Greek island? Or a child living in a vivid city like San Francisco? Or a kid in rainy Manchester? So many questions!

The beautiful challenge for us is to create a democratised community, where children experience personal growth at all levels in a safe, interactive, fun space- a space to become part of a supportive community and learn that we are all the same and at the same time, we are all different.

We have the tools. We have the passion. We have the educators.

Let’s become one world again.
