Soft skills
April 28, 2024

New Year’s Re-solutions


How many times have you scrolled through your Facebook feed and come across a Νew Υear’s resolution list? How many times have you checked those Instagram influencers’ perfect stories, sharing their perfect life and their super motivated plans for the New Year?

How many times have you heard the absolute cliche phrase of conversations near Νew Υear’s Εve: “new year — new me”?

While reading this, did you feel related or even a tiny bit irritated? If so, then welcome, you are indeed in the right blog post.

Let me explain.

Since 2019, we have been trying to be… healthier, kinder, better at work, more motivated, fitter, happier (and so many more -er). And what did these three years give us in return? Huh, please don’t get me started!

So, for this year, the Morphoses team decided to try something new. Come along!

As true detectives, we searched explicitly (no we didn’t, we just googled it!) and collected the top 5 New Year’s resolutions. Ever questioned why most resolutions usually fall apart after a month or two? We are up for a change here!

To spice things up, we will match each resolution with its much-needed soft skill. Hopefully, by knowing which skills are needed to keep resolutions on track, we shall not have another failed resolution list for 2022. We have already had too many plans canceled in the past three years, haven’t we?

Top 5 New Year’s resolutions & their matched soft skills

1. Eat healthier/Self-management

Yes, french fries have been described as heaven. But eating french fries on a daily basis can be harmful to your health. We are definitely not the ones to break it to you- yet why is it that this sad, but accurate realisation cannot instantly change the way we eat? Cause it takes self-management. If we not only understand the fact, but also manage our behavior accordingly, then we will succeed in keeping this very first resolution on track. So there it is, french fries — us, 0–1.

2. Get more exercise/Motivation

Are you one of us who believe running to be useful only when someone is chasing you? Welcome to the club! Yes, it is not a running club. Maybe running is not for everyone, but with the proper motivation, for example, from our local gym coach, we can find a sport or exercise that we actually enjoy doing! Extra tip: do NOT try extreme sports at home.

3. Save money/Organizational skills

Have you been dreaming of going on a euro trip since forever, but you seem to have trouble saving enough money for it? It’s okay, we have the (re)solution. Organising and planning every step of your trip can help you have a clearer picture of the needed budget. Bonne voyage!

4. Focus on self-care/Self-awareness

What does self-care even mean? Isn’t it too… general? How can we keep track of a resolution that we haven’t understood completely? Self-care means improving our own well-being. To be able to begin the journey, we definitely need to know where we stand. To really take care of ourselves, we ought to be aware of our state of being- our emotions, thoughts and actions. In other words, we need to be aware of ourselves.

5. Read more/Curiosity

“A reader lives a thousand lives before he dies. The man who never reads lives only one” (Martin, 2011). It is common knowledge that a good book sparks our imagination and can inspire us to learn more and more and even more… Therefore, reading helps increase the soft skill of curiosity, while curiosity helps increase our desire for another good read!

Setting new goals while living in an uncertain, discouraging era, is what makes humans unique. It is this little magic present under the Christmas tree, called hope.

2022 wishes for a re-solutionary new year, full of soft skill magic!
