Soft skills
April 28, 2024

Find your comfort zone. Then leave it.


A fiction story to read before going to bed; whether you are 7 or 67 years old.

Once upon a time, in the Soft Skills Land, there was a momma eagle that was hanging out with a momma horse (don’t laugh, it is a fiction story!).

One day, they were discussing how their children take no risks, compared to how youngsters behaved in their days. Momma eagle remembers “when I was at their age, I was already flying independently in the sky, watching the beautiful earth from above. All they do is stay in the nest, waiting to be fed in the mouth, literally, while passively watching cartoons.”

Momma horsey agrees. “My baby refuses to come with me and leave the pack for a while. He says that the pack is his crew, it is where he feels safe. I have always had friends from all over the animal kingdom. Giraffes, squirrels, you name it. His father and I are very inclusive horses. I don’t know why he is afraid to leave the pack.”

How many experiences and skills have they missed by staying in their comfort zone? Now, if we go to the… Humans Land, avoiding risks and staying in our “nest” or “pack”, can actually lead to us missing the journey of life itself! Without risk-taking, it is extremely difficult for other soft skills to grow as well. How can we become great leaders or innovators or unique solutions finders if we always stay within what we already know?

But what is risk-taking?

The American Psychological Association explains that risk-taking is “the acceptance of a challenging task that simultaneously involves the potential for failure as well as for accomplishment or personal benefit. It is often associated with creativity and taking calculated risks in the workplace or in educational settings.”

Why do we need risk-taking?

Risk-taking is an essential soft skill in taking decisions and leading. Among others, it “pushes” us to move forward and break our limits. During this process, it is understandable to feel fear and/or uncertainty. And let’s not forget; no great story ever started with “Once upon a time, I did what I always do”!

Be the difference, and see the world from a new perspective no matter how scary it seems in the beginning. Who knows, you might like it!
